
There are two newsletters. Both are free. There is no charge.

  • Interesting Things newsletter — More info.
  • Blog posts — About one article per month.

Please subscribe to one or both below.

Alternatively, you can get the same content throughout the week by following me on twitter.


Subscribing is free. You can unsubscribe from either newsletter anytime.

There are actually two mailing lists. The subscription form adds you to the Interesting Things list (and sends you the latest issue). Then, if you also chose blog posts, I manually add your address to the blog list (usually just before sending out a new blog post).

By implication, if you choose only blog posts, you will still be sent the latest issue of Interesting Things. However, this is a one-off and you won’t receive any subsequent issues. Sorry, this is the best I can do with my current newsletter setup.

When you unsubscribe, you’ll unsubscribe from one of the newsletters. If you want to unsubscribe completely, you need to unsubscribe from both.

If you’ve subscribed to one and want to subscribe to the other, please contact me or use a new email address.